From The Founder

I firmly believe that Home is the first school. Values inculcated in the founding years remain forever.

I also feel education is the only prolific way forward. We need to grasp fresh minds and edify them to think straight for ensuring good growth. It is possible with sound quality education being the beginner’s tool.

Koshish strives to provide the right opportunities and support. Catch them young, ensure they are engaged in academics, sports, other extra curricular activities and ensure that their young minds are captivated by positive things.

Koshish contributes to learning at the Home School. Accomplished education is equally important. We also guide them to acquire social skills and integrate into society

Koshish is an effort to provide value added free education to poor kids and then shift to a proper school. A positive school atmosphere with healthy competition will help discover hidden talents as well as give children the strength and confidence to achieve goals. The new found self reliance will help them decide afterwards how to distinguish the right from the wrong and to do the right thing. It is an effort in the right direction and aims at moulding young children into responsible adults who can then give back to society and to future generations.